Sign up for the Diversity and Inclusion in Youth STEAM Education

Sign up for the DiversityDiversity Differences among people with respect to age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practices, and other human differences (Deen, Huskey & Parker, 2015). and InclusionInclusion A state of being valued, respected and supported. Inclusion authentically puts the concept and practice of diversity into action by creating an equitable environment where the richness of ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives are harnessed (Hudson, 2011; Baltimore Racial Justice, 2016).  in Youth STEAM Education Learning Circle opportunity offered through eXtension. If you would like to attend any of these Learning Circles, please register your interest on this form.

You are only registering your interest at this time.  If there is enough interest for a specific topic, you will be contacted within a few weeks by eXtension with more details. Learning Circles may be either synchronous or asynchronous, and can be conducted through video conferencing or hybrid formats.

Diversity and Inclusion in Youth STEAM Education

Victor Villegas, OSU Extension Computing Technology Unit
Oregon State University Extension

Asynchronous learning group centered around youth STEAM education diversity and inclusion issues. Participants will receive weekly emails with links to relevant articles, videos and other resources and then have an opportunity to reply and share what they learn with others in the group.

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