
Extension Committee on Organization & Policy (ECOP)

The Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) is the representative leadership and governing body of the Cooperative Extension System, the nationwide transformational education system operating through Land-grant Universities in partnership with federal, state, and local governments. ECOP focuses on four core themes: 1) Build partnerships and acquire resources; 2) Increase strategic marketing and communications; 3) Enhance leadership and professional development, and 4) Strengthen organizational functioning.

Guided by the ECOP mission, vision, values and goals, and Annual Action Plans, the ECOP Program Committee:

  • Identifies and recommends action on emerging future programs, program related issues and delivery systems important to the Extension System.
  • Regularly scans the Extension System to identify critical issues and to determine if an issue requires a rapid system-wide response.
  • Promotes, supports, and manages the National Extension DiversityDiversity Differences among people with respect to age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practices, and other human differences (Deen, Huskey & Parker, 2015). Award recognizing, honoring, and promoting inclusive programming for and with diverse audiences.
  • Appoints, coordinates, monitors and dismisses work groups for defined purposes and time periods related to national program development priorities.
  • Regularly reports the creation, status, and conclusion of these groups to ECOP.
  • Creates program communication networks and systems for national sharing and learning.

Extension Foundation Role

The Extension Foundation and ECOP have a formal joint plan of work approved annually by ECOP and by the Foundation Board of Directors, and a formal MOU between ECOP and the 4-H Council. The Extension Foundation Board Chair and CEO serve as liaisons to ECOP plus the CEO serves on the ECOP Program Committee and the COO serves on the ECOP Personnel Committee. The Foundation also serves and supports ECOP Program Action Teams for system-wide initiatives.